- Visual and spatial modulation of tactile extinction: Behavioural and electrophysiological evidence
- The neurodynamic decision variable in human multi-alternative perceptual choice
- Body in mind
- Neural correlates of endogenous attention, exogenous attention and inhibition of return in touch
- Electrophysiological correlates of crossmodal visual distractor congruency effects: Evidence for response conflict
- Lost in vision: ERP correlates of exogenous tactile attention when engaging in a visualtask
- Hands behind your back: Effects of arm posture on tactile attention in the space behind the body
- Neurodynamic evidence supports a forced-excursion model of decision-making under speed/accuracy instructions
- Vision and gaze direction modulate tactile processing in somatosensory cortex: Evidence from event-related brain potentials
- Reflexive attention in touch: An investigation of event related potentials and behavioural responses
- Independent effects of endogenous and exogenous attention in touch
- Object-guided spatial attention in touch: Holding the same object with both hands delays attentional selection
- Effects of hand posture on preparatory control processes and sensory modulations in tactile-spatial attention
- Embodiment and multisensory perception of synchronicity: Biological features modulate visual and tactile multisensory interaction in simultaneity judgements
- Which finger? Early effects of attentional selection within the hand are absent when the hand is viewed
- Somatosensory attentional modulations during pain-related movement execution
- The somatotopy of observed emotions
- Revealing the body in the brain: An ERP method to examine sensorimotor activity during visual perception of body-related information
- ERP investigation of transient attentional selection of single and multiple locations within touch
- To blink or not to blink: Fine cognitive tuning of the defensive peripersonal space
- Centroparietal activity mirrors the decision variable when tracking biased and time-varying sensory evidence
- Cue-locked lateralized components in a tactile spatial attention task: Evidence for a functional dissociation between ADAN and LSN
- Independent effects of eye gaze and spatial attention on the processing of tactile events: Evidence from event-related potentials
- Vision enhances selective attention to body-related information
- Covert attention in touch: Behavioral and ERP evidence for costs and benefits
- The emotional homunculus: ERP evidence for independent somatosensory responses during facial emotional processing
- Electrophysiological evidence for changes in attentional orienting and selection in functional somatic symptoms
- Cutaneous saltation within and across arms: A new measure of the saltation illusion in somatosensation
- Beyond action observation: Neurobehavioral mechanisms of memory for visually perceived bodies and actions
- Searching for bodies: ERP evidence for independent somatosensory processing during visual search for body-related information
- The attentive homunculus: ERP evidence for somatotopic allocation of attention in tactile search
- Persistent recruitment of somatosensory cortex during active maintenance of hand images in working memory
- Shifts of attention in the early blind: An ERP study of attentional control processes in the absence of visual spatial information
- Covert unimanual response preparation triggers attention shifts to effectors rather than goal locations
- When you smile, the world smiles at you: ERP evidence for self-expression effects on face processing
- Attention to the body depends on eye-in-orbit position
- Covert manual response preparation triggers attentional shifts: ERP evidence for the premotor theory of attention
- An ERP investigation on visuotactile interactions in peripersonal and extrapersonal space: Evidence for the spatial rule
- Altered tactile spatial attention in the early blind
- Adverse effects of viewing the hand on tactile-spatial selection between fingers depend on finger posture
- The orienting of attention during eye and hand movements: ERP evidence for similar frame of reference but different spatially specific modulations of tactile processing
- Crossing the hands disrupts tactile spatial attention but not motor attention: Evidence from event-related potentials
- Viewing the body modulates neural mechanisms underlying sustained spatial attention in touch
- Modulation of motor cortex activity in a visual working memory task of hand images
- Sustained spatial attention in touch: Modality-specific and multimodal mechanisms
- The attentional selection of spatial and non-spatial attributes in touch: ERP evidence for parallel and independent processes
- Probing the neural representations of body-related stimuli: A reply to Tamè & Longo's commentary
- ERP correlates of tactile spatial attention differ under intra- and intermodal conditions
- Like the back of my hand: Visual ERPs reveal a specific change detection mechanism for the bodily self
- When far is near: ERP correlates of crossmodal spatial interactions between tactile and mirror-reflected visual stimuli
- Interhemispheric transmission times in the presence and absence of the forebrain commissures: Effects of luminance and equiluminance
- Mental-rotation effect: A function of elementary stimulus discriminability?
- Effect of luminance on successiveness discrimination in the absence of the corpus callosum
- Shifts of attention in light and in darkness: An ERP study of supramodal attentional control and crossmodal links in spatial attention
- Temporal discrimination of cross-modal and unimodal stimuli in generalized dystonia
- Interhemispheric transfer of colour and shape information in the presence and absence of the corpus callosum
- Uni- and cross-modal temporal modulation of tactile extinction in right brain damaged patients
- Modulations of early somatosensory ERP components by transient and sustained spatial attention
- Redundant target effect and intersensory facilitation from visual-tactile interactions in simple reaction time
- The spatial distribution of attentional selectivity in touch: Evidence from somatosensory ERP components
- Temporal dynamics of lateralized ERP components elicited during endogenous attentional shifts to relevant tactile events
- Anterior and posterior attentional control systems use different spatial reference frames: ERP evidence from covert tactile-spatial orienting