City, University of London

Introducing Maker Spaces in Libraries: Awareness, Engagement and Creativity

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Version 4 2016-03-01, 16:19
Version 3 2016-03-01, 16:14
Version 2 2016-03-01, 16:12
Version 1 2016-03-01, 16:04
posted on 2016-03-01, 16:19 authored by Ernesto PriegoErnesto Priego, Carlos Izsak
This presentation was created by Ernesto Priego and Carlos Izsak with contributions from Kate Lomax. It reuses images and text sourced from Remake Learning’s Playbook. Our gratitude to the authors. The Playbook is a work by The Sprout Fund licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The session titled 'Introducing Maker Spaces  in Libraries:  Awareness, Engagement  and Creativity' took place in Clapham Library, London, on Tuesday 1 March 2016, as part of the Cracking the Code (#codegreen) event organised by the UK Society of Chief Librarians.

The session was led by Ernesto Priego and Carlos Izsak with participations from Kate Lomax and Nancy Beckett-Jones.
