City, University of London

#teachDH Digital Humanities Summit Tweets Archive Monday 28 April to Friday 09 May 09 2014

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Version 2 2014-05-09, 18:28
Version 1 2014-05-09, 18:27
posted on 2014-05-09, 18:27 authored by Ernesto PriegoErnesto Priego

This CSV file contains tweets tagged with #TeachDH (case not sensitive).

This archive contains 450 tweets created between Monday April 28 2014 23:05:20 +0000 and Friday May 09 2014 17:18:18 +0000.

In this case the minimum followers a person must have had to be included in archive was 0.

The Higher Education Academy’s Digital Humanities Summit was an invitation-only event hosted between Wednesday 7 May midday to Thursday 8 May 2014 3:00 PM BST in Lewes, United Kingdom. This means this archive includes Twitter activity that took place both before and after the actual summit.

The Higher Education Academy champions excellent learning and teaching in higher education. They are a national and independent organisation, funded by the four UK HE funding bodies and by subscriptions and grants.

The tweets contained in this file were harvested by Ernesto Priego with a Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet (TAGS version 5.1, by Martin Hawksey).

Please note that both research and experience show that Twitter search API isn't 100% reliable. Large tweet volumes affect the search collection process. The API might "over-represent the more central users", not offering "an accurate picture of peripheral activity" (González-Bailón, Sandra, et al. 2012). Therefore, it cannot be guaranteed this file contains each and every tweet tagged with #teachDH during the indicated period.

Some deduplication and refining has been performed to avoid spam tweets and duplication. Retweets have been included. However, the data in this file might require refining including further deduplication. The data is shared as is.

If you use or refer to this data in any way please cite and link back using the citation information above.

This file is shared with a Creative Commons- Attribution license (CC-BY).
