City, University of London

#scholarAfrica Workshop Resources Fileset

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posted on 2014-03-13, 19:12 authored by Michelle Willmers, Firoze Manji, Kaitlin ThaneyKaitlin Thaney, Ernesto PriegoErnesto Priego, Tezira Lore, Bruce BeckerBruce Becker, #scholarAfrica Workshop Participants

These files correspond to the presentations and materials produced during the Discoverability of African Scholarship Online workshop that took place in Nairobi, Kenya on 10-11 March 2014. It was organised by the OpenUCT Initiative and the Carnegie Corporation of New York.

African research agencies represented included the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), TrustAfrica, the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), the African Leadership Centre, the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).

This file set was uploaded to figshare by Ernesto Priego on Thursday 13 March 2014. It contains the following files:

#scholarAfrica Presentations

Michelle Willmers.ppt
Firoze Manji.pptx
Kaitlin Thaney.pdf
Ernesto Priego.pdf
Tezira Lore.pdf
Bruce Becker.pdf

#scholarAfrica Flipchart Images

Challenges Flipchart (Day 1)
1. Social political challenges.jpg
2. Research Management.jpg
3. Questions.jpg

Wish List (Day 2)
Wish List 1.jpg
Wish List 2.jpg
Wish List 3.jpg
Plenary (What can we fund?).jpg

#scholarAfrica Other Resources

#scholarAfrica workshop notes transcription.txt
#scholarAfrica TAGS Archive.csv

and this file, README.txt

The CSV file is a dataset including data from tweets harvested by Ernesto
Priego (City University London). The dataset includes tweets posted between Friday March 07 15:15:29 +0000 2014 and Thursday March 13 14:04:22 +0000 2014. Martin Hawksey's TAGS v5 was used to harvest the tweets. The data is raw and it is made available as is. It is likely to require deduplication and refining before analysis.

These files have also been independently uploaded to Slideshare, figshare and Zenodo.

This file set is is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

