This is an Excel spreadsheet file containing an archive of 1,005
@StrongerIn Tweets publicly published by the queried account between12/06/2016 13:34:35 and 21/06/2016 13:11:34 BST.
The spreadsheet contains four more sheets containing a data summary from
the archive, a table of tweets' sources, and tables of corpus term and
trend counts and collocate counts.
The Tweets contained in the
Archive sheet were collected using Martin Hawksey's TAGS 6.0. The
profile_image_url column has been removed.
The text analysis was performed using Stéfan Sinclair's & Geoffrey Rockwell's Voyant Tools (c 2016).
The data is shared as is. The sharing of this dataset complies with Twitter's Developer Rules of the Road.
note that both research and experience show that the Twitter search API
is not 100% reliable. Large Tweet volumes affect the search collection
process. The API might "over-represent the more central users", not
offering "an accurate picture of peripheral activity" (Gonzalez-Bailon,
Sandra, et al. 2012). Therefore it cannot be guaranteed this file
contains each and every Tweet actually published by the queried Twitter
account during the indicated period, and is shared for comparative and
indicative educational research purposes only.
Only content from
public accounts is included and was obtained from the Twitter Search
API. The shared data is also publicly available to all Twitter users via
the Twitter Search API and available to anyone with an Internet
connection via the Twitter and Twitter Search web client and mobile apps
without the need of a Twitter account.
Each Tweet and its
contents were published openly on the Web, they were explicitly meant
for public consumption and distribution and are responsibility of the
original authors. Any copyright belongs to its original authors.
Personally identifiable information (PII), nor Sensitive Personal
Information (SPI) was collected nor is contained in this dataset.
dataset is shared as a sample and as an act of citizen scholarship in
order to archive, document and encourage open educational and historical
research and analysis.