#MLA14 Twitter Archive, 9-12 January 2014
These files are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
#MLA14 was the hashtag which corresponded to the 2014 Modern Language Association Annual Convention. The Convention was held in Chicago from Monday 9 to Sunday 12 January 2014.
The dataset includes tweets posted during the actual convention: the set starts with a tweet from Thursday 9 January 6:04:45 AM and ends with a tweet from Sunday 12 January 2014 23:32:46 Central Time. The total number of tweets in the dataset sums 21,915 tweets.
The deposited .zip file contains 1 README.txt file and 5 CSV files including data from tweets harvested by Ernesto Priego (City University London) and Chris Zarate (MLA) using Martin Hawksey's TAGS 5.1. The data was deduplicated using OpenRefine. There is 1 CSV file per convention day and 1 CSV file with the combined tweets.
An initial analysis of the data was posted as a series of blog posts by Ernesto Priego published between 16 January and 22 January 2014 at MLA Commons
(http://remoteparticipation.commons.mla.org/2014/01/16/mla14-a-first-look/) (accessed 4 February 2014).
To cite:
Priego, Ernesto; Zarate, Chris (2014): #MLA14 Twitter Archive, 9-12 January 2014. figshare.