City, University of London

The Future of Scholarly Scientific Communication Part 2 - A #FSSC Archive

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posted on 2015-05-07, 13:26 authored by Ernesto PriegoErnesto Priego

According to the Royal Society website (see link below), "The Future of Scholarly Scientific Communication Part 2" took place from 9:30 am on Tuesday 05 May 2015 to 4:30 pm on Wednesday 06 May 2015 at The Royal Society, London.


This .xls file contains an archive of approximately 2734 Tweets publicly published and tagged with #FSSC between28/04/2015 13:53 GMT and 07/05/2015 13:03 GMT. Please note the event in question took place on 05/05/2015 and 06/05/2015.

The hashtag used for this event was #FSSC (case not sensitive).


The Tweets contained in this file were collected using Martin Hawksey’s TAGS 6.0. This is an .xls file that contains 3 sheets. Sincere apologies if this is not your preferred or ideal file format; it should be easy to make .csv or .txt files from the data included here.

This dataset does not contain any data that would otherwise not be already publicly available online through the Twitter API and related Web and mobile services and is only shared in spreadsheet form as a means to preserve social media data for legitimate open data research into public scholarly activity on Twitter.

Please refer to the ReadMe sheet in the file for important context and more information.


