City, University of London
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Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki. An #or2014 Archive

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posted on 2014-06-17, 07:56 authored by Ernesto PriegoErnesto Priego

The 9th International Conference on Open Repositories was held from 9 to 13 June, 2014 in Helsinki, Finland. It is the leading international conference in its field, with an attendance of around 400, with participants from all around the world.

The official hashtag was #or2014.

This .XLS file contains an archive of Tweets tagged with #or2014 (case not sensitive).

The complete archive contains 5174 Tweets dated between 02/06/2014 22:32:41 and 13/06/2014 12:44:37. Times (column E) are Helsinki, Finland times.

This file contains two sheets:

Sheet 0. This 'Cite Me' sheet, including procedence of this file, citation information, information about its contents, the methods employed and some context.

Sheet 1. The Archive containing 5174 Tweets dated between 02/06/2014 22:32:41 and 13/06/2014 12:44:37.

The Tweets contained in this file were collected using Martin Hawksey’s TAGS 5.1. To avoid spam only users with at least 2 followers were included in the archive. Retweets have been included.

Please note that both research and experience show that the Twitter search API isn't 100% reliable. Large tweet volumes affect the search collection process. The API might "over-represent the more central users", not offering "an accurate picture of peripheral activity" (González-Bailón, Sandra, et al. 2012). Therefore, it cannot be guaranteed this file contains each and every tweet tagged with #or2014 during the indicated period.

Some deduplication and refining has been performed to avoid spam tweets and duplication.. Some characters in some tweets' text might not have been decoded correctly.

Please note the data in this file is likely to require further refining and even deduplication. The data is shared as is. If you use or refer to this data in any way please cite and link back using the citation information above.

All the data collected in this small dataset was willingly made freely, openly and publicly available online by users via Twitter and therefore was and still is openly and freely available through several other methods and services. It has been shared here in a curated form for educational and research use and no copyright or privacy infringement is intended or should be inferred.

This file was created and shared by Ernesto Priego (Centre for Information Science, City University London) with a Creative Commons- Attribution license (CC-BY).

Please make sure you are using the latest version of this file.

If you use or refer to this data in any way please cite and link back using the citation information above.

