Inequality: Three sets of Journal Article Titles and URLs/DOIs from Three Different Journals, with Altmetric Score in Timeframe (1year), Last Mention at the Time of Collection and Access Type Noted
This is an xlsx file containing three sheets. Each sheet contains a listing of research article titles and DOIs on the topic of inequality. Each set of articles corresponds to a different journal that
has published articles on inequality that have been tracked as mentioned
online by Altmetric within the last year.
V1 was revised as V2 to delete empty row in the second sheet and to correct title to clarify URLs are included.
The results of the searches for 'inequality' in the title mentioned in the last year were exported from the Altmetric Explorer as a spreadsheet and then the data was cleaned. This was done manually applying spreadsheet filters and adding and
deleting columns, and using OpenRefine to deduplicate and standarise the
Each output was then checked (i.e. each link was clicked on to visit the article pages) and a
note was made to verfiy if the full version could be accessed without academic library
credentials or not.
Each table in each sheet contains the Altmetric score in timeframe
(one year) in the first column and the outputs have been listed in that
order (from the highest score to the lowest). Each
article was checked one by one manually not using any institutional credentials or
IP, and the access type of each article has been indicated in the last column.
This file is shared here for educational, documental, archival and historiographic purposes.