This document provides data on the methods for the 'HEALTHEI Project scoping review: understanding the use of media analysis in public health research through food tax debates.' The spreadsheet is organised by four tabs which include, in order:
'Search Term List' -- list of key words and search strings used for database searches on EBSCOhost, PubMed and SCOPUS
'High Income Countries' -- list of countries considered as high income by the World Bank; this list does not factor in our final searches but is a remnant from the pilot searches
'Searches (pilot 14.02.23)' -- Documentation of searches and results during the pilot phase, while we were testing and refining search terms
'Searches (refined 21.02.23)' -- Documentation of searches and results for the final search phase; these searches were used to establish our final article sample
Health Economic Analysis incorporating effects on Labour outcomes Households Environment and Inequalities (HEALTHEI) for food taxes
NIHR Evaluation Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre