JUNAEB administrative data and data collected by the authors with JUNAEB permission: Data produced by Junta Nacional de Auxilio Escolar y Becas (JUNAEB) contains the six first-grade scores from the Teacher Observation of Classroom Adaptation (TOCA, see (Kellam et al., 1977), and (Werthamer-Larsson et al., 1990)), that determine students' eligibility to Skills for Life (SFL), as well as the teachers' ratings of students' disruptiveness and academic ability in the TOCA questionnaire. JUANEB data also contains the pediatric symptom checklist (PSC, see (Jellinek et al., 1988)), which is filled by students' parents. This dataset also contains JUNAEB's data on treatment implementation.
This data is also paired with data collected by the authors in March 2015, before the treatment started in the treatment group classes, and endline data collected in August 2015, after the treatment ended in the treatment group classes and before it started in the control group classes. In both at baseline and endline, two enumerators visited each of the 172 classes included in the experiment during a half day.
Below, it is described the baseline and endline data collected by enumerators during their visits. The enumerators first administered a non-cognitive questionnaire to the students. That questionnaire aimed at measuring:
· Students' happiness in school, using a question from the student SIMCE questionnaire.
· Students' self-control, using items of the child self-control psychometric scale (see (see (Rorhbeck et al., 1991)) that we translated into Spanish.
· Students' self-esteem, using items of the self-perception for children psychometric scale (see (Harter, 1985)) translated and validated into Spanish (see (Molina et al., 2011)).
Second, the enumerators administered a Spanish and mathematics test to the students. Third, the enumerators interviewed individually each student and asked her to name up to three students that she likes to play with during breaks. Fourth, the enumerators observed a one-hour lecture. During that one-hour lecture, the enumerators also recorded the decibel levels in the class using a smartphone app, and wrote down the time at which the lecture was supposed to start and the time when it effectively started. Fifth, the enumerators filled a short questionnaire aimed at assessing the overall disruptiveness in the class, using questions taken from the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) questionnaire, asking them their agreement with statements such as: ``There is noise and disorder in this class,'' or ``The teacher has to wait for a long time before students calm down and he/she can start teaching''.
The enumerators also administered a questionnaire to the teachers. That questionnaire aimed at collecting: teachers' socio-demographic characteristics; teachers' ratings of the overall disruptiveness of the class, using similar questions as those asked to enumerators; teachers' rating of the prevalence of bullying in the class; teachers' motivation, taste for their job, and mental health levels. The questionnaire was for the most part composed of questions from the SIMCE teacher questionnaire. Teachers also rated the overall disruptiveness of each of their student by answering the summary question from the TOCA questionnaire.
Ministry of education data:
The administrative data from the Ministry of Education contains the following outcomes: whether the student was promoted to the next grade; student's attendance and dropout; student's Spanish score in the 2nd and 4th grade Chilean national tests; student's math score in the 4th grade Chilean national test.