City, University of London

Corpora of 100 Tweets from BBCPolitics and 49 Tweets from bbcnickrobinson in context of European Election Results 2014

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Version 6 2014-05-26, 13:52
Version 5 2014-05-26, 13:52
Version 4 2014-05-26, 13:50
Version 3 2014-05-26, 13:36
Version 2 2014-05-26, 13:36
posted on 2014-05-26, 13:33 authored by Ernesto PriegoErnesto Priego

This spreadsheet contains three sheets:

1. a ReadMe text

2. a Tweets corpus from:BBCPolitics and

3. a Tweets corpus from:bbcnickrobinson.

from:BBCPolitics contains 100 tweets posted between 26/05/2014 00:14:31 and 26/05/2014 12:59:10 BST.

from:bbcnickrobinson contains 49 tweets 49 tweets posted between 18/05/2014 21:21:34 and 26/05/2014 02:34:07 BST.

The tweets contained in this file were harvested by Ernesto Priego with a Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet (TAGS version 5.1, by Martin Hawksey).

Please note that both research and experience show that Twitter search API isn't 100% reliable.

Some deduplication and refining has been performed to avoid spam tweets and duplication. Retweets have been included. However this file includes might require refining including deduplication. The data is shared as is.


For a quick text analysis of this corpora using Voyant Tools, go to

This file is shared by Ernesto Priego with a Creative Commons- Attribution license (CC-BY) and under Academic Fair Dealing.

