City, University of London

A Dataset Listing the Top 60 Articles Published in the Journal of Digital Scholarship in the Humanities According to the Altmetric Explorer (search from 11 April 2017), Annotated with Corresponding License and Access Type and Results, when Available, from the Open Access Button API (search from 15 May 2017)

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Version 3 2017-08-04, 18:25
Version 2 2017-08-04, 16:33
Version 1 2017-08-04, 15:56
posted on 2017-08-04, 18:25 authored by Ernesto PriegoErnesto Priego
This is a CSV file containing a listing of the top 60 articles published in the Journal of Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (JDSH, preciously LLC), as exported from the Altmetric Explorer tool on11 April 2017.

The sheet has been manually annotated adding columns to indicate each article entry's corresponding License (column E) and Access Type (column F). License and Access Type data was crosschecked manually by accessing each article online individually.

The file also contains data obtained from the Open Access Button API. The article DOIs as obtained from the Altmetric Explorer were run through the Open Access Button API on 15 May 2017 in order to discover if any of the published articles had open versions available. Any resulting links when available, were added to column O. Columns O and P also include additional information, when available, about the type of content available via the Open Access Button.

Joe McArthur from the Open Access Button ran the first initial search for open surrogates of this dataset through the Open Access Button API. Ernesto Priego then manually crosschecked each entry and limited the final dataset to the top 60 articles (of 82).

Please note that the Altmetric data for the JDSH is likely to have changed by now, though not too significantly. Altmetric scores have not been included in this file but the order of the entries correspond to the order in the data initially exported from the Altmetric Explorer (from most mentions to fiewer mentions, with a minimum of 1 mention).

This dataset is part of the author and collaborator's ongoing research on open access and institutional repository uptake in the digital humanities.

The data included in this file allows users to quickly quantify the number of JDSH articles published with open licenses, number of currently 'free', paywalled or open access articles. The data shared here also allows users to see which of the articles and/or their metadata (according to the Open Access Button API) have been deposited in institutional repositories.

The data presented is the result of the specific methods employed to obtain the data. In this sense this data represents as much a testing of the technologies employed as of the actual articles' licensing and open availability. This means that data in columns L-P reflect the data available through the Open Access Button API at the moment of collection. It is perfectly possible that 'open surrogates' of the articles listed are available elsewhere through other methods.

As indicated above data in columns E-F was obtained and added manually. Article DOI's were accessed manually from a computer browser outside/without access to university library networks, as the intention was to verify if any of the articles were available to the general public without university library network/subscription credentials.

This deposit is part of a work in progress and is shared openly to document ongoing work and to encourage further discussion and analyses.
