City, University of London

A #comicsunconf15 Twitter Archive

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Version 4 2015-03-03, 10:32
Version 3 2015-03-03, 10:32
Version 2 2015-03-03, 10:14
posted on 2015-03-03, 10:03 authored by Ernesto PriegoErnesto Priego

The Scottish Comics Unconference Meet-Up took place in Glasgow, Scotland on Saturday 28 February 2015.

An Interactive version of this archive can be found online at

This .xlsx file contains an archive of approximately 1,168 Tweets published publicly and tagged with #comicsunconf15 between 18/07/2014 10:57:25AM GMT and 02/03/2015 5:06:55AM GMT.

Please note the data in this file is likely to require further refining and even deduplication. The collected data was published publicly and has been shared as is. This dataset is shared to encourage legitimate open data research into scholarly activity on Twitter, and complies with the current Twitter Developer Agreement and Policy.

Participants of the #comicsunconf15 event used the hashtag fully aware of its public nature and received a Notice of Recording by different electronic and physical means and was publicly and visibly displayed at the event and event's web site and associated Twitter accounts. Further reuse of this dataset is responsibility of the user and must comply with the current Twitter Developer Agreement and Policy.

For more information please read the ReadMe sheet on the file.

If you are a researcher and you use or refer to this document and/or data in any way please cite and link back using the citation information and DOI above. Thank you.

